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Following on from the recent release of their soaring single 'Error of the World' in July, UK rockers Modern Error have today unveiled their latest track, 'A Vital Sign'.

'A Vital Sign', the latest release from rock duo Modern Error, is "meant to be as if searching for an answer in love, and questioning all that love is; feeling as if the world has changed you to now misunderstand its intention and meaning," explains vocalist Zak Pinchin. "With a world shifting, so are people's needs and I think that raises a question of modern love in a modern world: Do we love or do we just love to be loved? 'A Vital Sign' was made to search what I felt on this subject and expose my thoughts on it."

The video also once again features 'flowerface' – "a person hidden behind a mask of surface level beauty in order to cope within a real-life setting. We follow ‘flowerface’ and see him begin a trajectory of broken heart syndrome as he loses his own idea of love in his heightened modern world”, the band explains.

Unashamedly drawing inspiration from the cinematic work of Kubrick and Aaronofsky, the philosophical cut and thrust of Nietzsche and beyond, and an all-too-rare commitment to the idea that art can stand for something bigger than itself, it is clear that Modern Error are, in almost every conceivable way, a band tailor made for our times. With a superlative blend of stadium-bothering rock and post-punk abrasiveness, brothers Zak and Kel Pinchin are very much big picture thinkers themselves, desiring to "make a statement about how we view the state of the world" through Modern Error.

Watch the music video for Modern Error's latest single 'A Vital Sign' here.

Find Modern Error on Facebook, Instagram, Twitter and Spotify.

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