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Updated: Sep 3, 2020

Formed in 2014, and having reinvented themselves four years later, this heavy alt-rock trio from the Gold Coast, Queensland is sure to satisfy fans of Dream State, Tonight Alive, Northlane and Hands Like Houses alike. Featuring frontwoman Rosie Jacobson, guitarist Dylan Quigg, and drummer Kris Unwin, In Eyes offers powerhouse female vocals over heavy, melodic guitar riffs and technically-sound drum lines, all wrapped up in their captivating and energetic live performances.

After dropping their first original single 'Silver Lining' in December 2018, followed by 'Time Won't Wait' twelve months later, In Eyes has excitedly been working on their next project, 'The Dreamer', set to be released on September 3rd. Sitting down with LISTEN LOUD, Jacobson opened up about exactly what fans can expect from the band's new single, 'The Dreamer', and how they came to be one of Queensland's hottest alt-rock prodigies.

Find In Eyes on Facebook, Instagram and Twitter, and stream 'The Dreamer' here.

Image: Zachary Shane, 2020.

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